Senior Researcher in international law at the Institute of International Legal Studies (ISGI) of the National Research Council (CNR)
- 06.49937659
Gianfranco Tamburelli is a senior lawyer with over twenty-five years of professional experience, specializing in international, EU, and environmental law. He has worked as team leader and project manager of a public research institution; university professor; international legal consultant. He is expert in the fields of international cooperation for sustainable development; the Antarctic legal regime and Arctic governance; EU foreign relations with Eastern Countries, particularly Ukraine; the sustainable management of land and transboundary natural resources.
He has held positions at the Ministry of Environment and furnished legal advice to various other institutions, particularly the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Italy.
He graduated in Law with a thesis on EC Law at the Sapienza University of Rome in 1985; and completed a Doctorate (PhD) in International Law in 1992, with a final dissertation on: The Protection of the Ozone Layer.
He became Member of the Ordine degli Avvocati (equivalent of the Bar Council) in 1988 (in the Special List of University Professors since 1997).
In 1992 he began to collaborate with the Institute for International Legal Studies (ISGI) of the National Research Council of Italy (CNR), where he has been working as a researcher since 1996. He is currently the CNR representative at EUROPARC (since 2008, deputy representative since 2002), in charge of the ISGI Research Project on: International Cooperation for Sustainable Development, Protection of Environment and Management of Natural Resources and Space.
He is also involved in ‘curiosity-driven’ research on: The Relations between Italy, the EU, Ukraine and Russia. In this context, in July 2015, thanks to a STM (short term mobility) grant, he carried out research on: The EU and the Ukrainian Crisis – Legal and Political Aspects at the Graduate School on East and Southeast European Studies of Regensburg (Germany) and in November 2014 he carried out, thanks to another STM grant, research on: Relations between the EU, Ukraine and Russia – Legal and Political Aspects, at the same Graduate School and at the IOS – Institute on East and Southeast European Studies.
Previously, he was responsible (scientific and financial aspects) for the Projects (research, higher education, consultancy) on: Environmental Law and Sustainable Development (2011-2015), Environmental Law: Sustainable Management of Ecosystems and Natural Resources (2009-2010), Legal Systems of the Management of Protected Areas. International Cooperation and European Law (2006-2008). In addition, from 2002 to 2010 he was a Member of the Board of ISGI; from 1996 to 2001 Coordinator of the Scientific Secretariat of the Transnational Network MESDEL (Mediterranean Sustainable Development Law).
He has promoted many and various initiatives in the field of international scientific cooperation, including the Exploratory Workshop of the European Science Foundation (ESF) on: Sustainable Development and Transboundary Cooperation in Mountain Regions, the Alpine and the Carpathian Conventions, with the participation, among others, of representatives from UNESCO and UNEP (proceedings published by l’Harmattan, Budapest, 2009).
Since 2015 he has been Visiting Professor at the Taras Schevchenko National University of Kyiv, where in 2015 he held a short, optional Course on: The Relations between the EU and Eastern Countries. The New Association Agreements. In fact, in 2014 he received a Diploma from the Taras Shevchenko University “for a decade of promoting scientific and cultural cooperation between Italy and Ukraine”: his first stay in Ukraine dates back to 2004, when he won a NATO Senior Fellowship and carried out research on “The Implementation of MEAs in Ukraine” at the Taras Shevchenko University; since then, he has carried out various activities in Ukraine or with Ukrainian partners, including, in 2006, the drafting – as consultant for the “Studiare Sviluppo” S.r.l. – of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Italian Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine.
Since 2011, he has also been the Coordinator of the International Law section of the Master’s Degree in Environmental Law at the Sapienza University (teaching seminars since 2009). From 2001 to 2007 he was Professor of Environmental Law at the same University (Degree Courses in Environmental Sciences and Natural Sciences) and for two years (2003-04) he was in charge of the Vocational Training Course on Environment and Protected Areas (another educational activity), launched in cooperation with Legambiente (an environmental NGO).
From 2004 to 2006 he was Professor of Environmental Law at the University of L’Aquila (International Degree Course). From 1996 to 2000 he collaborated by contract with the Chair of EU Law at LUISS (International Free University for Social Studies). From June 2013 to March 2014 he worked at the Ministry of Environment of Italy, as First Deputy Head of the Legislative Office, responsible for Area II (international and EU acts and litigation) and delegated to the management of the Office’s human resources department.
Previously, from June 2012 to June 2013, he was consultant to the Secretary General of the Ministry, in particular on inter-institutional relations.
Since 1998, he has participated – as a member of the Italian delegation – in various meetings of intergovernmental organizations, including a meeting of the Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) of the United Nations (1998), six meetings of the Consultative Parties to the Antarctic Treaty (ATCM), a meeting of the Arctic Council and six meetings of the Senior Arctic Officials (SAO), a meeting of the Euro-Baltic Council.
Internationally recognized as a legal expert, he has worked in various countries: Albania, Armenia, Argentina, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Palestine, and Ukraine. In particular, in Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia he worked as International Legal Consultant in the context of the Project on: Sustainable Land Management for Mitigating Land Degradation and Reducing Poverty in the South Caucasus Region, funded by the EU and implemented by the Regional Environmental Center (REC) Caucasus; in Albania, he worked for the World Conservation Union (IUCN) on the elaboration of a Project on: Institutional Support to the Albanian Ministry of Environment for Sustainable Biodiversity Conservation and Use in PAs and the Management of Hazardous Waste.
He has held lectures, conferences, workshops on international and EU law and policy at a number of Universities and other international and national, public and private bodies in numerous countries within and outside the EU.
He has published 9 collective books, 6 of them in English, and about 60 articles, more than 20 in English.
He has great experience in training and capacity-building activities, particularly in areas such as law-making, institution building, the implementation of multilateral environmental agreements and EU directives within the national legal systems of the EU Member States, the harmonization of the environmental legislation of Eastern Europe countries with the acquis communautaire, and the sustainable management of transboundary protected areas.
Among other things, he is Member of the International Council of Environmental Law (ICEL); of the IUCN – WCPA Transboundary Conservation Specialist Group; of the Institute of Environmental Law and Natural Resources of the National Academy of Social Sciences (Cordoba, Argentina); of the Italian Society for International Law (SIDI); of the Editorial Board of the legal review Gazzetta Ambiente (Rome, Italy).
Activities 2018
- Lecture on International Co-operation for the Protection of the Environment: Real or Supposed Innovations? 26 April 2018, Budapest
- Workshop: Human rights of asylum seekers in Italy and Hungary 18 April 2018 Budapest
- Higher Education: Challenges and Perspectives in the Context of Globalization 12th – 13th January 2018, Kolkata, India[/tab]
Activities 2017
- International Cooperation for the Protection of the Environment – Achievements, Open Issues, Lecture by Gianfranco Tamburelli at the Borys Grinchenko University – Kiev (23 November 2017)
- The Evolving Relations between the EU and Ukraine – Issues, Perspectives, Lecture delivered by Gianfranco Tamburelli at the National Economic University – Kiev (21 November 2017)
- EU Foreign Policy: The Association Agreement between the EU and Ukraine, short Course held by Gianfranco Tamburelli at the Center for Polish Studies of the Law Faculty of the ‘Taras Shechenko’ National University – Kiev (November 2017)
- Lecture by Gianfranco Tamburelli on: “Current Trends in International Environmental Law” Indian Law Institute (ILI) Delhi (India), 16 March 2017
- Lecture by Gianfranco Tamburelli on: “International Scietific Cooperation between Public and Private Universities and Research Bodies” ADAMAS University of Kolkata (India), 14 March 2017
- Lectio Magistralis by Gianfranco Tamburelli on: “International Law on Environment and Sustainable Development: The Situation Today” ADAMAS University of Kolkata (India), 10 March 2017[/tab]
Activities 2016
- La cooperazione Italia – Unione europea – Russia. Un dialogo necessario – Atti del Convegno organizzato dall’Istituto di Studi Giuridici Internazionali (SGI-CNR) e dall’Istituto Alti Studi in Geopolitica e Scienze Ausiliarie (IsAG) il 13 novembre 2015 (CNR Aula Marconi), a cura di G. Tamburelli, Roma, 2016
- Incontro con gli studenti del Centro Lingua Italiana dell’Università Nazionale Taras Shevchenko sul tema: “Attuali problemi e priorità della cooperazione internazionale in materia di tutela dell’ambiente”, Kiev (Ucraina), 17 maggio 2016
- Relazione “EUROPARC 2015”, 14 May 2016”
- L’Unione europea di fronte a vecchie e nuove sfide, Incontro presso il Centro di Cultura Italiano dell’Università Statale di Mariupol” 13 maggio 2016
- The EU Relations with the Eastern Countries and Russia, lecture tenuta presso la Mariupol State University, 12 May 2016”
- Lectio Magistralis on: “The Association Agreement between the EU and Ukraine”, Mariupol State University, 11 May 2016”
- Lecture on: “Food Aid to Conflict Affected Populations: Issues and Priorities”, Mariupol State University, 10 May 2016
- Lectio Magistralis by Gianfranco Tamburelli on: “Current Trends in International Environmental Law” – Mariupol State University (Ukraine), 10 May 2016
- Convegno Nazionale “Clima, biodiversità e territorio italiano” – Relatore su “Orientamenti della cooperazione internazionale per lo sviluppo sostenibile” Cassino, 23 aprile 2016 – Fotografie Incontro
- Tavola rotonda “Planet at the crossroad” – Relatore su: “Environmental Law at a Crossroads” Roma, 7 aprile 2016
Activities 2015
- La cooperazione Italia – Unione Europea – Russia – Relatore su: “La crisi ucraina” Roma, 13 novembre 2015
- Food Aid to Conflict Affected Populations WFP Emergency Operation The Case of Eastern Ukraine (September 2015)
- Invited Lecture of Gianfranco Tamburelli on: The Association Agreement between the EU and Moldova: Environmental Cooperation, Faculty of Law of the Moldova State University, Chisinau, 12th February 2015
Attività 2014
Activities 2014 –
- Speech of Gianfranco Tamburelli at the Workshop on: “Italian – Finnish Cooperation in the Arctic: A Great Opportunity” (Session on: Environmental Protection, Sustainable Use of Resources, Arctic Navigation), Rovaniemi, Finland, 12th March 2013
- Lecture on: The Issue of a Right to Water in International Law, at the International Conference of the Eötvös-Loránd University on: Rights of Future Generations on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Budapest 28-29 November 2008
- Majtényi, Tamburelli (editors), Sustainable Development and Transboundary Cooperation in Mountain Regions. The Alpine and the Carpathian Conventions, Budapest, l’Harnattan, 2009.
- Tamburelli (ed.), Legal Systems for the Management of Protected Areas in Italy and Ukraine. The Experiences of the Lazio and Kyiv Regions, Milan, Giuffrè, 2008.
- Tamburelli (ed.), The Antarctic Legal System. The Protection of the Environment of the Polar Regions, Milan, Giuffrè, 2008.
- Tamburelli (ed.), Biodiversity Conservation and Protected Areas. The Italian and Ukrainian Legislation, Milan, Giuffrè, 2007.
- Tamburelli (ed.), The Evolution of the Antarctic Legal System and Environmental Issues, Milan, Giuffrè, 2006.
- Marchisio, Tamburelli (editors), L’evoluzione del sistema antartico. L’attuazione in Italia del Protocollo di Madrid sulla tutela dell’ambiente antartico, Milano, Giuffré, 2001.
- Tamburelli (ed.), Il sistema giuridico italiano delle aree protette, Rome, 2000.
- Marchisio, Tamburelli, Pecoraro (editors), Sustainable Development and Management of Water Resources: A Legal Framework for the Mediterranean, Rome, 1999.
- Marchisio, Della Fina, Ferrajolo, Salberini, Tamburelli, Codice delle Aree Protette, Milan, Giuffré, 1999.
- Food Aid to Conflict Affected Populations. WFP Emergency Operations – The Case of Eastern Ukraine, in Proceedings of the National Aviation University of Kyiv, North America, 67, Jun. 2016.
- Europarc Conference 2015: Protected Areas in a Changing World. Partecipazione del CNR alle attività della Federazione, in Gazzetta Ambiente, 1, 2016.
- UNESCO – Global Protected Area Programmes – An Overview, in Environmental Policy and Law, April 2012, pp. 96-101.
- Environmental Justice and Law-Making in International Law, in Cuaderno de derecho ambiental, Instituto de Derecho Ambiental y de los Recursos Naturales, Academia Nacional de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de Córdoba (Argentina), 2, 2011, pp. 55-60.
- The Governance of the Antarctic Ecosystem and the New Challenges of International Cooperation in the Arctic, in Atti della Conferenza internazionale su: “Global Environmental Governance” (Roma, MAE, 20-21 maggio 2020), a cura di A. Postiglione, ISPRA, 2011.
- Observations on the Legal Protection of the Arctic and Antarctic Environment and the International cooperation in the Polar Regions, Buenos Aires, in “Las Regiones Polares Estrategias, Oportunidades y Desafios”, edited by J. A. Consigli e A. E. Molinari, CARI, Buenos Aires, 2010.
- Regioni Polari, in Enciclopedia Giuridica, Treccani, Rome, 2010.
- The Carpathian Convention, in “Sustainable Development and Transboundary Cooperation in Mountain Regions. The Alpine and the Carpathian Conventions”, edited by Majtényi, Tamburelli, l’Harnattan, Budapest, 2009.
- The Convention on Biological Diversity and the National and Regional Legal Systems of Protected Areas, in “Legal Systems for the Management of Protected Areas in Italy and Ukraine. The Experiences of the Lazio and Kyiv Regions”, Milan, Giuffrè, 2008.
- Notes on Democratization Processes of Environmental Law-Making, in “Global Governance, Human Rights and Development”, edited by Manoj K. Sinha, New Delhi, 2008.
- Notes on the Legal Regimes of the Polar Regions, in “The Antarctic Legal System. The Protection of the Environment of the Polar Regions”, Milan, Giuffrè, 2008, pp.1-26.
- Tutela ambientale in Artide e Antartide: problemi e prospettive a confronto, in Atti del Seminario “Evoluzione del sistema antartico e prospettive ambientali”, University of Siena – Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Siena, 2007.
- Notes on the Legal Framework for the Sustainable Management of Transboundary Protected Areas, in “Biodiversity Conservation and Protected Areas. The Italian and Ukrainian Legislation”, Milan, Giuffrè, 2007.
- The EIA Annex to the Madrid Protocol, in The Evolution of the Antarctic Legal System and Environmental Issues, Milan, Giuffrè, 2006.
- Il danno ambientale nel diritto internazionale, in “Le risorse preziose: lo sguardo del giurista”, ed. by C.A. Graziani, Milan, Giuffrè, 2005.
- Ambiente (Tutela dell-) (Diritto internazionale), in Enciclopedia Giuridica Treccani, 2004.
- Convenzione sulla diversità biologica, direttiva habitat e legge quadro, in “Un’utopia istituzionale: le aree naturali protette a dieci anni dalla legge quadro”, ed. by Graziani, Milan, Giuffrè, 2003, pp. 147-165.
- La Conferenza di Johannesburg sullo sviluppo sostenibile, in Ambiente. Consulenza e pratica per l’impresa, January 2003.
- Proposte di modifica della legge quadro sulle aree protette e loro impatto sulle normative regionali, in Diritto e Gestione dell’Ambiente, 3, 2002, pp. 725-741.
- Tendenze evolutive del diritto internazionale dello sviluppo sostenibile: la Conferenza di Johannesburg, in Gazzetta Ambiente, 5-6, 2002.
- The Mediterranean Commission on Sustainable Development, in La méditerranée et le droit de la mer à l’aube du 21éme siècle, Bruxelles, 2002, pp. 477-502.
- Note su democraticità e diritto comunitario dell’ambiente, in “Ambiente e Urbanistica”, eds. Desideri, Spantigati, Migliarino San Rossore Massaciuccoli, 2002, pp. 68-77.
- Sources and Evolution of EU Groundwater Law, in “Groundwater Law and Administration for Sustainable Development”, ed. by Marchisio, Milan, Giuffrè, 2002, pp. 65-81.
- Efficacia delle decisioni comunitarie indirizzate agli Stati e nuova classificazione europea dei rifiuti, in Rifiuti, 1, gennaio 2002, pp. 4-9.
- Osservazioni su democraticità e formazione delle norme internazionali ambientali, in Diritto e gestione dell’ambiente, 3, 2001, pp. 89-106.
- La Commissione mediterranea per lo sviluppo sostenibile, in “Aspetti giuridici del partenariato euromediterraneo”, ed. Marchisio, Milan, Giuffrè, 2001 pp. 57-83.
- L’attuazione in Italia dell’Annesso sulla VIA, in Gazzetta Ambiente, 4, July-August 2001, pp. 65-96.
- L’attuazione in Italia dell’Annesso sulla VIA al Protocollo ambientale antartico, in “L’evoluzione del sistema antartico. L’attuazione in Italia del Protocollo di Madrid”, Milan, Giuffré, 2001, pp. 153-183.
- I parchi transfrontalieri, in “Il sistema giuridico italiano delle aree protette”, Rome, 2000, pp. 83-90.
- The ECJ Case Law and the Implementation of EC Water Law in Italy, in “Sustainable Development and Management of Water Resources: A Legal Framework for the Mediterranean”, Rome, 1999, pp. 224-235.
- UN Commission on Sustainable Development Tendency and Co-operation in the Mediterranean Region, in Mediterranean Magazine, March 1999, pp. 19-21.
- The Principle of Common but Differentiated Responsibility in the International Agreements for the Protection of the Ozone Layer, in Ambiente e Cultura (VII International ICEF Conference), ed. by Cordini, Postiglione, Naples, 1999, pp. 503-544.
- La tutela del patrimonio naturale e del paesaggio, in Codice delle Aree Protette, Milan, 1999, pp. 417-427.
- Le aree protette nel diritto dell’Unione Europea, in Codice delle Aree Protette, Milan, 1999, pp. 99-114.
- Sustainable Management of Water and the Activities of the International Network of Basin Organisations in the Mediterranean, in Mediterranean Magazine, March – June 1998, pp. 14-17.
- The Europe Agreement between European Community and Estonia, in La Comunità internazionale, 3, 1997, pp. 497-503.
- L’Accordo di cooperazione tra la Comunità europea e il Mercosur, in Affari Esteri, 116, 1997, pp. 829-846.
- L’Accordo interregionale CE – Mercosur, in “Roma e America – Collana di studi giuridici Latinoamericani”, Padua, 4, 1997, pp. 63-78.
- L’Italia e L’Antartide, in Affari Esteri, 109, 1996, pp. 155-165.
- L’Italia e la Convenzione sui cambiamenti climatici, in Affari Esteri, 107, 1995, pp. 629-636.
- Gli atti internazionali sulla protezione dell’ozono stratosferico e la loro esecuzione nell’ordinamento interno, in Rivista di diritto internazionale, 3, 1994, pp. 675-724.
- L’agricoltura nella seconda Relazione sullo stato dell’ambiente, in Diritto dell’Agricoltura, 3, 1992, pp. 509-524.
Comments on judicial decisions
- A proposito della procedura di nomina dei membri del Comitato economico e sociale della CEE (Comment on decision 30 June 1988 by the EEC Court of Justice), in Giustizia civile, 12, 1989.
- Direttive comunitarie relative alla formazione del medico specialista: un’altra, scontata, condanna dell’Italia e un recente disegno di legge (Comment on decision 7 July 1987 by the EEC Court of Justice), in Giustizia civile, 5, 1988.
- Osservazioni sulla revocabilità da parte del giudice istruttore del provvedimento d’urgenza emesso ante causam dal Pretore (Comment on order 15 May 1987 by the second section of the Rome Court), in Temi Romana, 1, 1987.
- Rio cinque anni dopo (Review of “Rio cinque anni dopo”, ed. Marchisio, Raspadori, Maneggia, Milano, 1998), in Affari Esteri, 121, 1999.
- L’evoluzione del diritto e delle politiche per l’Antartide (Review of “International Law for Antarctica”, ed. Francioni and Scovazzi, The Hague-London-Boston, 1997), in Affari Esteri, 115, 1997.
- L’azione internazionale ed i problemi ambientali (Review of «Rio 1992: Vertice per la terra», ed. Marchisio and Garaguso), in Affari Esteri, 101, 1994.
- Diritti umani, tra il dire e il fare (Review of «I diritti umani nel mondo contemporaneo» by A. Cassese), in Mondoperaio, December 1988.
- Dopo Copenaghen: la responsabilità sociale delle imprese (Tavola rotonda su: “Le nuove generazioni del Lazio di fronte alla sfida della responsabilità sociale d’impresa. Strumenti e modalità per la diffusione tra le piccole e le medie imprese”, RISL S.r.l., Roma 24 Februaio 2010), in Iter Legis, 1/2010, pp. 22-25.
- Report from Italy, in “SEQUI – Integration of Safety, Environment and Quality”, Bandini and Schwarz-Wőlzl eds., Vienna, 2000, pp. 58-67.
- Luci e ombre della Conferenza di Rio, in Mondoperaio, dicembre 1992.
- Orientamenti e programma della Commissione per lo sviluppo sostenibile, in “Il Segno Mediterraneo”, June / July 1998.
- I diritti umani in Turchia, in “Astrolabio”, October 1989.
Publications online
- Europarc 2012 – Assemblea generale e Conferenza annuale della Federazione dei Parchi naturali e nazionali d’Europa, Annual Report to the CNR, at, Roma, 2013.
- The Governance of the Antarctic Ecosystem and the New Challenges of International Cooperation in the Arctic, international conference on:. “Global Environmental Governance” (preliminary papers and reports),, Roma, 20th May 2010.
- Scientific Report on the ESF (European Science Foundation) Exploratory Workshop on “Sustainable Development and Transboundary Cooperation in the Mountain Regions. The Alpine and the Carpathian Conventions”, ESF website, (2007).
- Evoluzione della disciplina a tutela del paesaggio,, 2004.
- ‘Good Governance’: ambiente e sviluppo sostenibile. Nota sul quadro istituzionale internazionale,, 2006.
- Legal and Institutional Implications of Systemic Planning and Management of Transboundary Protected Areas – A comparative review of some case studies, co-authored, (Global TBPAs Network – World Conservation Union, IUCN),, 2003.
- Politica ambientale, sterzata negativa, in “Le ragioni del Socialismo”, 2002.
Translation (English – Italian)
- Pujadas, C., “Lo sviluppo sostenibile nelle regioni di montagna. Breve nota sul Convegno di San Juan”, in Gazzetta Ambiente, 1, 2010.
- Bublitz, S., “La Conferenza Living Working Landscapes’ (Oxford, settembre 2006)”, in Gazzetta Ambiente, 6, 2006.
- Majtényi, B., “Il quadro istituzionale del diritto ambientale in Ungheria”, in Gazzetta Ambiente, 5, 2006.
- Starrett, M., “Un bilancio dell’attività negli ultimi tra anni”, in Gazzetta Ambiente, 1, 2006.
- Malysheva, N., “L’attuazione della Convenzione sulla diversità biologica in Ucraina”, in Gazzetta Ambiente, 3, 2005.
Multimedia Presentations Online
- The Ukrainian Crisis ( (2015).
- Food Assistance to Conflict Affected Populations. WFP Emergency Operation. The Case of Eastern Ukraine ( (2015).
- UNESCO Designations: An Overview of Current Legal Issues, EUROPARC, EUROPARC 2010,, 2nd October 2010.
- The Governance of the Antarctic Ecosystem and the New Challenges of International Cooperation in the Arctic, speech at the International Conference on. “Global Environmental Governance” (preliminary papers and reports),, Roma, 20 May 2010.
Other notes, and multimedia presentations are available at the ISGI
Some translations (English – Italian) have been published in Gazzetta Ambiente