Final Conference “Maritime Safety and Security: Future Perspectives” Italy, Rome, 10 – 11 March 2016
[:it] COST – ACTION IS 1105
Final Conference “Maritime Safety and Security: Future Perspectives”
The conference, organized by Institute for International Legal Studies of the National Research Council will be held on 10-11 March 2016 in Rome at the National Research Council, P.le Aldo Moro 7, Aula Marconi.
The Final Conference aims at investigating the most relevant outcomes achieved within the four years of project, involving academics and interested stakeholders all over the world.
The event represents moreover an opportunity to share ideas and discuss emerging legal issues with academics, international organizations, consultants, practitioners and interested stakeholders, with particular reference to the to the climate change impacts on the marine environment, marine biodiversity protection and the international and national response to maritime crimes.
The conference intends finally to identify new fields of research and lay the groundwork scientific network for future collaborations in new European projects successful like MARSAFENET.
Download here the program and the Registration form. The Conference is free of charge. Please register at:
Rassegna stampa (pdf)
Contributi video
- Ambiente, sicurezza dei mari passa per il diritto internazionale. Parla Gemma Andreone (Isgi-Cnr), coordinatrice progetto Marsafenet (askanews)
- Frammentazione Giuridica e Protezione Ambientale del Mare Mediterraneo

Final Conference “Maritime Safety and Security: Future Perspectives” Italy, Rome, 10 – 11 March 2016 Piazzale Aldo Moro 7, Aula Marconi, Rome, Italy
Institute for International Legal Studies, National Research Council of Italy
Download here the flyer (pdf)
Registration Form
The MARSAFENET COST Action brings together more than 80 experts in international law of the sea from 23 European and non-European countries in order to increase the knowledge on maritime security and safety and to develop a common conceptual and methodological framework to help filling the legal gaps and to turn scientific results into feasible solutions.
Rationale of the Final Conference
The Final Conference aims at investigating the most relevant outcomes achieved within the four years of project, involving academics and interested stakeholders all over the world, with particular reference to the climate change impacts on the marine environment, marine biodiversity protection and the international and national response to maritime crimes.[:]
Tag:2016, biodiversity, climate change, cnr, future, isgi, Italy, maritima crimes, marsafenet, safety, security