ECSL Summer Course on Space Law and Policy
- Date Maggio 11, 2023
ECSL Summer Course on Space Law and Policy
20-31 August 2023 in Budapest, Hungary – Application deadline 26 May 2023
Topic: Space, Cyber and Telecommunications Law
This year’s edition of the ECSL Summer Course on Space Law and Policy will be held under the topic of “Space, Cyber and Telecommunications Law” and will once again give students the opportunity to delve into the basics of space law and policy, as well as work on a group project.
Information & application forms: link
Please also send us a pre-selection and shortlist of your candidates, but also all their application materials so we can use it for the final selection. The deadline of application is 26 May 2023, 23:59 CEST, after which I would kindly ask you to send me your shortlist at your earliest convenience, but no later than 10 June 2023, 23:59 CEST.
Information on NPOCs:
Il National Point of Contact è stato costituito nel 1999 presso l’Istituto Studi Giuridici Internazionali (ISGI) del CNR Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (#CNR)
L’Istituto Studi Giuridici Internazionali e il Dipartimento di Scienze politiche della Sapienza Università di RomaDISP) contribuiscono in partnership al funzionamento del National Point of Contact italiano dell’ European Centre for Space Law#ECSL).